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Aubameyang Breaks Silence on Contentious Arsenal Exit, Reveals Rift with Arteta

Former Arsenal captain Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang has finally spoken out about his controversial departure from the Gunners, revealing that manager Mikel Arteta accused him of “putting a knife in his back.” The decision to exile Aubameyang, a player pivotal in Arsenal's FA Cup victory under Arteta, remains one of the most significant actions taken by the coach.

Aubameyang had signed a new long-term contract and received the captaincy just 18 months before his departure to Barcelona, following the termination of his Arsenal contract. The situation escalated after he was used as a late substitute in a loss to Everton and subsequently left out of the squad for the next game against Southampton. Arteta did not publicly explain Aubameyang's absence, but it was linked to his late return from visiting his sick mother, a trip that breached COVID-19 protocols.

Reflecting on the incident in an interview with @Colininterview, Aubameyang recounted the events leading up to his fallout with Arteta:

“It was during the COVID period and we were playing, I think, Everton. My season wasn’t great, we were struggling in the league, and the day before the coach told us: ‘Look, it doesn’t matter if we win or not, you have a day off. But if you want to leave, you notify yourself before the match because you have to follow the health safety rules.’"

Aubameyang explained that he had sought Arteta’s permission to leave to pick up his mother, who had suffered a stroke, for the holidays. Arteta initially had no issue with his request. “He knew very well what had happened, the day it happened he had already given me permission to go see her. So he gives me authorisation and tells me to check with the doc about the return in relation to Covid.”

However, complications arose with his travel plans. Aubameyang was delayed returning due to his mother’s medical examinations and had to travel back the morning of a training day. Upon his return, Arteta’s reaction was unexpectedly harsh.

“I arrive, the coach finishes his meeting and then he grabs me and he completely tears into me, he shouts at me like I’m crazy, he says: ‘You put a knife in my back. You can’t do that to me given the times we’re going through.’ At that moment I tell myself that I’m not going to answer him because it’s going to end angrily. I didn’t go partying. He knows very well the reason for my departure so at that moment I don’t understand why he is lecturing me like this.”

The situation deteriorated further when the club doctor informed Aubameyang that Arteta did not want him to train with the group. “The days pass and the doctor tells me: ‘Look, he doesn’t want you to be with the group anymore, but you will be able to come and train but separately.’ I say to myself ok… And then afterwards, he calls me and we have a meeting so he can explain to me that one, he’s taking away the captain’s armband, and two, I’m not training anymore with the group.”

The decision deeply affected Aubameyang. “It affects a man, it was difficult. How to get out? Often we say that we have to talk about it, there’s no shame in that.”

Aubameyang's account provides insight into the strained relationship between him and Arteta, highlighting the complexity of managing team dynamics during the challenging COVID-19 period. His departure to Barcelona marked the end of a turbulent chapter at Arsenal, characterized by high expectations, personal struggles, and professional disagreements.

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