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  • dicksonboadi2499

Biden Urges Netanyahu to Call for Ceasefire Amidst Gaza Conflict

In a recent statement to Univision, President Joe Biden criticized Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's approach to the conflict in Gaza, labeling it a "mistake." Biden's comments mark some of his strongest criticism yet of Netanyahu, amidst escalating tensions over civilian casualties resulting from Israel's offensive against Hamas.

The President's rebuke came in the wake of an Israeli drone strike that claimed the lives of seven aid workers from a US-based charity in Gaza. Biden condemned the attack as "outrageous," sparking a tense exchange in a phone call with Netanyahu.

Biden's call for a ceasefire was resolute, urging Israel to allow for unfettered access to essential supplies, including food and medicine, for the people of Gaza. He emphasized the need for immediate action to address the humanitarian crisis unfolding in the region.

Furthermore, Biden shifted the focus onto Israel, urging them to take responsibility for facilitating aid to Gaza and calling on Netanyahu to relent in his stance. The President stressed that there is no justification for withholding crucial assistance to those in dire need.

This stance represents a departure from Biden's earlier remarks, which had placed the onus on Hamas to agree to a truce and release hostages. Now, the President's message is clear: Israel must act swiftly to alleviate the suffering of civilians caught in the crossfire of the conflict.

With Biden's vocal criticism and insistence on a ceasefire, the pressure mounts on Netanyahu to reconsider his strategy in Gaza. As the conflict continues to exact a heavy toll on civilian lives, the world watches closely to see how both leaders navigate the path towards peace and humanitarian relief in the region.

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