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  • dicksonboadi2499

BRICS won’t be needing global dictatorship mechanism

The expansion of BRICS does not aim at establishing a “global dictatorship” mechanism, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said Wednesday during his speech at the first BRICS Sherpas and Sous-Sherpas meeting.

“Let me emphasize once again that (the expansion of BRICS) was not intended to create a new dictatorship mechanism of the global majority,” the foreign ministry cited Lavrov as saying in a statement.

Lavrov stressed that within all its statements and declarations, as well as in practice, the BRICS countries have always expressed that they welcome open and honest dialogues and will never attempt to impose anything on anyone.

Lavrov said the accession of new BRICS members will also strengthen the strategic partnership within the organization and the international position of the bloc as a whole.

“We view BRICS as a stronghold, a prototype of the multipolar world,” Lavrov said.

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