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Emissions Levy is only a ploy to take more money from Ghanaians – Clement Apaak

In a strong stance against the recently proposed emissions tax, Member of Parliament for Builsa South, Clement Apaak, has accused the government of using it as a deceptive strategy to extract more money from the Ghanaian populace.

Dr. Apaak contends that if the government is genuinely concerned about environmental protection, it should focus on addressing issues such as deforestation and river pollution caused by illegal mining.

In a Tweet, Dr. Apaak questioned the government's true intentions behind the emissions tax, stating, "This emissions levy or tax is only a ploy to take more money from Ghanaians."

He emphasized the need for transparency regarding the utilization of the funds generated from such a tax, pointing out the lack of a clear program of interventions and a dedicated fund for mitigating the effects of emissions.

"Have they shown us a programme of interventions the money will be used for and to mitigate the effects of emissions? Have they established a fund in which the emissions tax will be lodged into for such a purpose?"

Dr. Apaak raised these critical questions, challenging the government to provide a comprehensive plan for the utilization of the revenue generated from the proposed emissions tax.

He further urged Ghanaians to resist what he perceives as unjustified taxes imposed by a government that, in his view, has contributed to the economic collapse and impoverishment of the citizens.

"Ghanaians must resist this and other unjustified taxes being imposed on us by a government that has collapsed our economy and impoverished Ghanaians."

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