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EOCO Concludes Investigations into Alleged Corruption at Roads Ministry

The Ministry of Roads and Highways has announced that the Economic and Organised Crime Office (EOCO) has completed its investigations into allegations of bribery and corruption within the ministry.

This development follows a petition from the Ministry to EOCO, prompted by claims made by former Rector of the Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration (GIMPA), Prof. Stephen Adei. Prof. Adei alleged that bribery was a determining factor in the awarding of road contracts.

In a press release dated April 12, 2024, the Roads and Highways Ministry revealed that EOCO's investigations had cleared the ministry of any wrongdoing. The statement emphasized that Prof. Adei's comments were deemed to be a generalization of perceived corruption in the country.

According to the release, EOCO concluded that Prof. Adei's remarks were "unfortunate and general within the context of perceived corruption in the country," and therefore deemed the matter unsubstantiated and highly presumptuous.

Prof. Adei had raised concerns about corruption in the awarding of road contracts during an interview in October 2023. He alleged that individuals seeking such contracts were asked to pay a bribe upfront.

In response to Prof. Adei's allegations, the Roads and Highways Ministry had initially expressed surprise and reaffirmed its commitment to transparent and legal processes in the awarding of contracts.

The ministry had also called for an investigation by EOCO to ascertain the veracity of the claims made by Prof. Adei.

Furthermore, a group of road contractors in Ghana refuted Prof. Adei's allegations, stating that they had never encountered such demands for upfront payments of GH¢1 million. They emphasized that the awarding of contracts followed well-documented and transparent procedures, making it unlikely for corrupt practices to occur.

The road contractors supported the call for EOCO's investigation, underscoring the transparency of the contract allocation process.

In light of EOCO's findings, the Roads and Highways Ministry expressed satisfaction with the outcome of the investigation. The ministry reassured the public of its unwavering commitment to transparency and due process in the awarding of contracts.

The statement issued by the ministry signals the conclusion of the investigation and seeks to provide clarity on the allegations raised by Prof. Adei. It underscores the importance of integrity and accountability in government institutions, particularly in sectors as vital as infrastructure development.

Moving forward, the Roads and Highways Ministry reiterated its dedication to upholding the highest standards of governance and ethics in its operations. The ministry's commitment to transparency and accountability serves as a cornerstone in the fight against corruption and ensures the effective and equitable allocation of public resources.

In summary, EOCO's findings have brought closure to the allegations of corruption within the Roads and Highways Ministry, reaffirming the integrity of the institution and its adherence to ethical practices in the execution of its mandate.


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