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I enjoyed cooking until the end – Chef Faila appreciates the support of Ghanaians.

Chef Faila, also known as Executive Chef Faila Abdul Razak, greatly appreciated the incredible support she received from the people of Ghana during her bid to set a new record for the longest cooking marathon. Yesterday, January 10, 2024, marked the end of Chef Faila's ten-day cooking marathon.

She expressed her gratitude to Ghanaians for their overwhelming love and support, emphasizing that she was willing to go to any lengths even if it meant losing her life in order to continue cooking and make her countrymen proud, especially since the event had brought people from all walks of life together and brought joy. Chef Faila, after formally ending her attempt, spoke to the media and emphasized that Ghanaians would undoubtedly succeed if they were provided with the necessary resources and room.

The tremendous response made me wish I could continue putting Ghana in the spotlight for months, instead of just the five days I was supposed to cook for. Seeing how happy everyone was with the situation made her want to do more, even if it meant risking her life.

Thousands of people gathered at the Modern City Hotel in Tamale on January 1, 2024, to witness Chef Faila's effort to set a new record for the longest cooking marathon. The event served as a platform for cultural performances and socialization. Within 227 hours, Chef Faila made more than 150 different meals.

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