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Iranian Rapper Sentenced to Death for Supporting Anti-Hijab Protests

Toomaj Salehi, an Iranian rapper, has been handed a death sentence by an Iranian court for his involvement in supporting anti-hijab protests. Salehi, who has been detained for over a year and a half, became a vocal advocate for the demonstrations following the death of Mahsa Amini in 2022, who passed away shortly after being arrested for wearing an "improper" hijab.

The sentencing, delivered by Branch 1 of Isfahan Revolutionary Court, accused Salehi of corruption on Earth—a grave charge under Iranian law. Salehi's attorney, Amir Raisian, confirmed the verdict on Wednesday, shedding light on the serious allegations leveled against his client.

Salehi's arrest in October 2022 stemmed from his public endorsement of the anti-hijab protests, which the Revolutionary Court deemed as acts of sedition, assembly and collusion, propaganda against the system, and incitement to riot.

Despite an initial review by the Iranian Supreme Court, which directed the lower court to rectify any errors in the sentencing, Salehi's case took an unexpected turn. Raisian revealed that the lower court chose to uphold the death sentence, disregarding the Supreme Court's directive—an unprecedented move that underscores the court's perceived independence.

In response to the ruling, Salehi's legal team has vowed to appeal against the sentence, highlighting the rapper's determination to contest the charges brought against him. The case has garnered significant attention both domestically and internationally, with human rights organizations condemning the severity of the punishment and calling for Salehi's release.

Salehi's plight epitomizes the ongoing struggle for freedom of expression and civil liberties in Iran, where dissent is met with harsh reprisals from the authorities. The anti-hijab protests, which gained momentum following Amini's tragic death, underscore the deep-seated societal tensions surrounding issues of personal freedom and religious conservatism in the country.

The death sentence handed down to Salehi is a stark reminder of the severe consequences faced by individuals who dare to challenge the status quo in Iran. It reflects a broader pattern of crackdowns on dissent and the curtailment of fundamental rights under the country's judicial system.

As Salehi prepares to appeal against his sentence, the international community must continue to pressure Iranian authorities to uphold the principles of justice, fairness, and human rights. Salehi's case serves as a rallying cry for advocates of freedom of expression worldwide, who stand in solidarity with those unjustly persecuted for their beliefs and activism.

In conclusion, Toomaj Salehi's death sentence for supporting anti-hijab protests highlights the oppressive climate of censorship and repression in Iran. His case underscores the urgent need for meaningful reforms to protect the rights and freedoms of all individuals in the country. As Salehi's legal battle continues, the world watches closely, hoping for a fair and just resolution that upholds the principles of justice and human dignity.

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