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John Legend Slams Donald Trump as a "Dyed-in-the-Wool Racist"

American superstar John Legend didn't mince words when describing former United States president Donald Trump, labeling him as a "tried-and-true, dyed in the wool racist." Legend's bold statement comes amid the lead-up to the upcoming U.S. presidential election, where Trump is set to run against incumbent Joe Biden of the Democratic Party.

Legend emphasized that Trump's history of racism extends far beyond his tenure as the 45th President of America. According to Legend, Trump's racist tendencies were evident even before his presidency, citing incidents where Trump allegedly barred black people from his facilities.

"He [Donald Trump] has made it clear throughout his life that he believes black people are inferior. He believes that to his skull, to his bones," Legend expressed in an interview with Daily Loud. "He wouldn’t let us [Black people] live in his buildings back in the day, but also when you hear some of the stray comments he makes, he clearly believes in the genetic hierarchy of humanity and he is racially determined."

Legend went on to criticize Trump's immigration policy, stating that it reflects underlying racist beliefs. "So he is a tried-and-true, dyed in the wool racist. In the core of his being, he is a racist," Legend emphasized.

The Grammy-winning artist didn't hold back, pointing out Trump's alleged discrimination against black individuals and his controversial comments on immigration. "I don’t want to hear what he has to say about what he has done for black people; he has done very little for us and he is at his core, truly a racist," Legend stated.

Legend also highlighted Trump's preferences in immigration, claiming they favor individuals from predominantly white countries. "You even hear what he says about immigration and what countries he wants people to come in from, they are all very white," Legend remarked.

In addition to his statements on Trump's racism, Legend delved into the impact of Trump's presidency on the country. He criticized what he described as the divisive nature of Trump's leadership, noting the heightened racial tensions during Trump's time in office.

"The kind of divisiveness and the kind of incendiary rhetoric he has used to engender hatred and division in this country, it's just deeply unhealthy for the country," Legend stated.

Furthermore, Legend expressed his disappointment in the lack of progress on racial equality during Trump's presidency. He cited instances where Trump's administration rolled back policies aimed at addressing systemic racism, such as changes to the Department of Justice's approach to civil rights investigations.

"Trump's presidency has been a step backwards in terms of racial progress in America," Legend asserted.

The upcoming U.S. presidential election on November 5th will see Trump running against Joe Biden in what is anticipated to be a closely watched rematch election. This election marks America's first rematch election in almost 70 years, with Trump seeking another term on the Republican Party's platform.

As the election draws near, Legend's outspoken criticism of Trump's alleged racism adds to the ongoing discourse surrounding the candidates' policies and beliefs. The singer's remarks serve as a reminder of the contentious issues at the forefront of the election, including race relations and immigration.

In conclusion, John Legend's strong condemnation of Donald Trump as a "dyed-in-the-wool racist" sheds light on the singer's perspective on the former president's history and beliefs. Legend's remarks come amidst the lead-up to the upcoming U.S. presidential election, where Trump is set to run against Joe Biden. With the election approaching, Legend's comments contribute to the ongoing discussion surrounding race, immigration, and the candidates' platforms.

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