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Question your children’s wealth so they don’t die young – Kanayo O Kanayo advises parents

Renowned Nollywood actor Kanayo O Kanayo delivered a compelling message to parents, urging them to be vigilant about their children’s financial activities to avert untimely tragedies.

In a recent address at a public event, the seasoned actor directed his appeal specifically to parents, urging them to adopt a proactive stance in overseeing their children’s wealth and expenditures.

Kanayo O Kanayo drew attention to a worrisome trend of youth involvement in illicit activities and corruption.Expressing dismay, he pointed out that some parents seem oblivious to these issues, readily accepting extravagant gifts from their children without questioning their legitimacy.

Emphasising the crucial role of parental vigilance in combating social ills, Kanayo O Kanayo emphasised, “Parents!!!! Parents!!!!! Parents!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ask questions before you accept gifts or die young. This is why many parents are dying young. ORIKO.”

The actor illustrated instances where parents overlook the lavishness of gifts, citing examples such as a 20-year-old daughter owning a phone worth N1.5 million but contributing only N100,000 to her parents without any inquiry into the source of her wealth.

Additionally, he cautioned against ignoring significant amounts of money or the sudden appearance of a car by a non-working son.

In a video message, Kanayo O Kanayo underscored the need for instilling a culture of accountability within families.He stressed that parental complacency only perpetuates corrupt mindsets in children.

His impassioned plea aligns with the importance of parents actively guiding their children toward responsible and ethical behavior, ultimately contributing to the creation of a healthier society.

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