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Uncovering New Force: The Man Behind Ghana's Latest Political Movement

Freedom Jacob Caesar, whose stage name is Nana Kwame Bediako, has come out as the public face of the political movement known as the New Force.

Nana Kwame Bediako, 43, stated that he had hoped to use another occasion to introduce himself, discuss his policies, and explain why he desires to lead a new organization. He referred to the eleventh-hour cancellation of a public lecture event titled "The Convention," which he had organized under the title New Africa Foundation.

He claimed he decided to use the opportunity to expose himself because the January 7 event he had planned to discuss the topic "Igniting the Voices of Africa" had been canceled at the eleventh hour due to a denial of access to Independence Square, despite having invited notable figures including P.L.O. Lumumba from Kenya, Peter Obi from Nigeria, Julius Malema from South Africa, and Dr. Arikana Chihombori-Quao from Zimbabwe. Telling the press that he would have preferred to reveal himself and discuss his policies at the appropriate time, he stated that the circumstances surrounding the cancellation prompted him to prematurely reveal himself. He declared himself to be completely fearless.

"There is nothing to fear in regard to me." You have in me the means of salvation. I do not invest solely in myself. The individual, who will turn 44 in February 2024, stated, "I am investing in you." He further stated that he has a magnificent vision for Ghana and Africa.

"We must provide education." Our offspring require our upliftment. We must communicate with them. You are about to discover the truth about the man in disguise, since you were searching for me and I remained silent. I am not sure whether you are interested in politics, evangelism, conventionalism, or revolution; I have not disclosed any of these details. You will be required to patiently await the disclosure of my policies and visions subsequent to today.

" If my presence displeases the country or government in regards to these esteemed individuals who are tasked with enlightening not only Ghana but Africa as a whole, I will willingly sacrifice and disclose myself, as I hold these great leaders in high regard. I would have chosen to inform you of my progress at my leisure." However, I am sacrificing myself in the present moment to assure you that I am that man. However, I am that man who possesses a noble intention and an expansive vision. I possess both a strategy and a vision for the future of this country.

In addition to this country, I also have it for Africa. "However, I am certain that Africa will be the next big thing because, of all the developed continents in the world, only one is underdeveloped, and it is my responsibility to develop that continent," he continued.

A New Force Convention for Thought Leaders Cancelled

Advocates of the New Force had previously gathered in Independence Square, where they swayed while singing nationalistic songs and demanding entry to the venue hosting the convention program. This occasion aimed to convene Africa's foremost intellectuals to discuss critical obstacles that Africa's progress must confront.

The New Africa Foundation issued a press release on Sunday evening (January 7) stating that the government has canceled "The Convention," a Pan African event scheduled to occur at Black Star Square in Accra, Ghana, today. Unfortunately, the government has canceled the aforementioned Pan African Event, which was originally scheduled for today at Independence Square in Accra, Ghana. Throughout this momentous occasion, thousands of individuals have traveled from Ghana and around the world to behold the distinguished guests.

"A few hours before the scheduled start time, we received notification that this engagement had been canceled." The government granted approval for this occasion in November 2023. The development devastated our dignitaries and special visitors who had traveled from around the globe." The New Africa Foundation extends its sincerest apologies to the public and our audience for any inconvenience this may have caused." "Kindly note that we had no control whatsoever over this circumstance," the statement continued.

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